Welcome to our Nissan4x4.no forum.
Here you can talk about Nissan cars, and all cars in general. All from parts, trips, make your own "garage" and more .
I'm the main webmaster, so any questions about site, forums, or gallery, feel free to send me a pm, or a mail.
The main person at Nissan4x4.no is 'Colormax' alias Roger Brekke, he's the owner of Nissan4x4.no.
He is the one who managed to initiate this great site and forum.
Without him we wouldn't have this nice site, and all the nice people on it !

Anyways, a little about all the features of Nissan4x4.no.
We have an index page, as you probably have seen.

There we will post news, and general info.
There is also a contact sheet there , where you can get in contact with us.
You can also see all our nice sponsors down there.
The forum part..
It's a nice and simple phpbb forum.
here you can ask questions,help other/get help, post images, make a " garage", and lots more !
If you have any problems, or anything you are wondering about, feel free to ask anyone.
there is also a inbuilt Help menu in the forum, witch you will find at the menubar up to the right, there is all the info for all general forum questions.
The gallery..
Here we upload lots if pictures from trips we have been on, cool cars, and things like that.
There is also a possibility to sign up at the at the gallery site, and make your own albums, where you can upload all your pictures.
Any question around this, please ask

Nissan4x4.no Admins..